
News and Gossip

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I'll give you the news of what i know so far, and by the way its not much, Lost is a secret until you see it.


News on Where Lost is headed:
Acording to a scientific number sequence which will determing when the world will end, The Darma initative set up their opperation to stop this or slow it down but they failed so the test people were supposed to be killed with a vacine for the 'illness' on the island. Basicly the initative wanted rid of the others and clean up the mess. This probibly is not 100% accurate.
Desmond Is comming back, and the hatch is getting blown up!:
Number Man desmond will return! apparently he decides not to push the button and the hatch goes bye bye.
Lost Video Game:
Apparently next year A Lost video game will be made. The script has been written by one of the Lost writters and is all set. The game should be made availible to us sometime in 2007.
If you know anything else on this issue please get in touch.


The 'others' will be completly explained this season.
Mr Eko Is next! apprently they kill of Eko for what reason i do not know!. Apprently all of the tail section will be killed off.
Ana Lucia is Dead, She is killed in episode 20, by michael, who also kills Libby.
Both Of the actors only wanted to be in Lost for one season (Season 2) so the writers thought it would be best to kill them off with a bang!

Be sure to let me know what you hear and I'll add it to this page!
